Educational Program
Pinnacle preschool will provide a high-quality early education program to support the learning of each individual child enrolled, in partnership with the child’s family and community. As required by the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law, Pinnacle Preschool uses the Belonging, Being & Becoming: Early Years Learning Framework as the foundation of our education program, with a focus on including the following:
Play will be used as the platform for children’s learning
Children’s individual interests and strengths will be incorporated.
Staff will work with families / carers to provide culturally relevant programs that reflect the values, beliefs and traditions of their family and community
The program will set high expectations for children in the five learning outcome areas of the EYLF:
Children have a strong sense of identity
Children are connected with and contribute to their World
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Children are confident and involved learners
Children are effective communicators
Staff with regularly reflect on children’s learning, interactions with children and families, relationship building, teaching practices and the impacts of the environment on learning and will engage in an ongoing process of evaluation.
Staff will engage in a continual development of professional skills to ensure knowledge and skills are continually improving
Staff will focus on the importance of building positive relationships with families and children in order to positively influence learning outcomes.
A strong focus on inclusion and providing each individual child with opportunities and equal access to the learning environment and program.
The physical environment will foster creativity, be aesthetically pleasing and a calm environment where children have the opportunity to thrive, learn and feel at home
Educators will use their professional judgement, experience and individual strengths and interest to foster a life-long love of learning.
Educational program: planning cycle
The Early Years Learning Framework and the Education and Care Services National Regulations state that educational programs must include the following:
The educational program must be on display and accessible to families.
The educational program must be a dynamic document that is changing and evolving daily to reflect the interests, needs and strengths of children and families
A visible cycle of planning, implementation and evaluation of the program
Children’s learning and development will be regularly assessed, documented and shared with families in a way that’s consistent with the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework
Information is shared with families regularly on their child’s participation in the program.